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How to transfer to National Fostering Group

It’s quite straightforward to transfer from your current fostering agency or local authority provider. From the outset, we’re on hand to make this transition as smooth as possible for you.

Overview of the transfer process

The transfer process might vary slightly, depending on which foster agency or local authority you are with now, however our experienced teams are with you every step of the way. We will make the process as easy as possible.

  1. Talk this over with your local National Fostering Group agency. Supporting you starts here – these are fostering professionals who can share their experience with you and give you all the information and support you need.
  2. Once you’ve met with us and made the decision to transfer, you will notify your current agency or local authority that you intend to transfer to National Fostering Group.
  3. You will meet your assessing social worker, who will be with you throughout your assessment process. Together, you will undergo your assessment including checks, references and a medical.
  4. As part of your assessment we will capture all your existing fostering knowledge and experiences to help us develop you further.
  5. You will attend some of our Skills To Foster training sessions to get to know your agency colleagues and meet some of our current foster carers.
  6. Your application will be reviewed at our Fostering Panel, who will make a recommendation prior to our Agency Decision Maker confirming your approval with us.

Another factor that influences the process is whether or not you have foster children currently placed with you – if you do, please read more about the process of transferring with a foster child.

Talk to us about transferring

If you’re thinking about transferring from another foster agency, we recommend getting in touch to talk it over with complete confidentiality. We have teams in every region, so you will be able to chat to a fostering professional who is local to you. They will be able to share their experience and give you all the information you need to make a decision.

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